About Us
Our goal is to provide support in the kitchen to everyone with food allergies, food intolerances, and specialty diets. Chef Martha Morgan’s specialties include cooking guidance in the kitchen, whether it be on technique, what to look for, safe products, or handling those new ingredients. Recipe creation is something she excels at, as well as recreating old recipes. Contact us to arrange a 20-minute free virtual consultation to see how we can help you in the Kitchen. Together we hope to help tame your Allergy Dragon. Everyone deserves to eat delicious food and have fun in the kitchen!

Awarded by Feed Spot
We are part of the most comprehensive list of best Allergy YouTube Channels , and Allergy Podcasts on the internet and I’m honored to be part of it! I think everyone on this list is awesome, and I want to thank them for their contribution to this world.
Take the time to click on the buttons below to read the full Feed Spot blog about YouTube and Podcast List! Or you can just subscribe to the YouTube Channel or Podcast directly by clicking those buttons as well.
Words To Live By
" Food is our common ground a universal experience." James Beard
Thanks for your interest in Allergy Dragon. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!