Looking back at the start of the pandemic, it was not the most pleasant to endure for all of us, which is probably an understatement of the decade. However, with all the physical and mental trauma that has caused us. I had a few positive things happen; first and foremost, I lived through it while running a hospital kitchen. I also met some fantastic people in the allergy community, virtually, of course. Even virtually, these meetings helped build friendships and community, which I carry with me even to this day. That is how I met Nicole Ciuppa at a virtual holiday get-together.
Life is ever-changing, and so are our relationships. I started Allergy Dragon’s Lair Show on my YouTube channel this past May. I wanted to highlight a place where everyone would be safe and included in the Allergy Dragon’s Lair. We are more than our allergies and special diets. However, it is most definitely something that affects all aspects of our life. My calling as a Specialty Diet and Allergy Chef came from living my life. Nicole is a registered dietitian and lives with food allergies.

I interviewed Nicole on the last episode of the 1st season of Allergy Dragon’s Lair. You can watch that episode here on my YouTube channel if you want. Nicole talked with me about how having food allergies and becoming a clinical dietitian had its challenges. You have to intern in the kitchen to learn how your job affects food production and your patients' well-being. Having food allergies and being exposed to them in your work and or learning environment can be challenging to say the least. Nicole attained her degree through persistence, practical safety measures, and help from fellow students.
Nicole now works in a clinical setting by day. She created Nutritionally Nicole when she was a student. As her passion for nutrition and her consciousness about other people's needs with allergies grew, so did her passion for helping people like herself. She explains in great detail an upcoming workbook she created to help people with food allergies thrive. Seeing a disconnect between care for people with food allergies and her struggles, she hopes that this upcoming program with helps to bridge that gap.
Thank you, Nicole, for being a guest on Allergy Dragon’s Lair and one of my fabulous pandemic friends. We ended this season with a great episode so go check it out and subscribe to my YouTube channel. To learn more about Nicole Ciuppa, MS, RDN, and creator of Nutritionally Nicole, and the forthcoming launch of her new program. Check out the links below, and we hope this blog helps to tame your Allergy Dragon.

More From Nicole:
â–¸ Instagram: @trinutionallynicole
â–¸ Website: https://www.nutritionallynicole.com/
â–¸ Email: nutritionallynicole@gmail.com
â–¸ YouTube: Nutritionally Nicole https://bit.ly/2P8qhMK