Firstly I want to disclose that these are my thoughts, feelings, and opinions on FACES, and nobody asked me to write about it. I am writing this blog for my benefit to make answering your questions more manageable., and I am genuinely EXCITED! Also, I want you to have info about tools to help you and your family. FACES is one event that truly helps my family. So Keep reading to learn more about FACES happening on June 10th and 11th, 2022
Suppose you have been part of the Allergy Dragon Community for a while. In that case, you may have noticed my respect for CFAAR (Center for Food Allergies & Asthma Research). Part of the Institute for public health and medicine at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Anne & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, and what they are doing for our allergy community. You may have seen my IG cooking demo takeovers on CFAAR’s IG page. Did you see my previous video about FACES in 2019? Maybe you have seen my posts about FACES?
Perhaps you are an allergy parent with a teenager or child. Struggling to find an educational, engaging, and peer involving experience for them, this is for all of you! You get to separate from each other and then get back together for a few speakers. You get to have time to mingle with speakers and fellow warriors. My youngest was almost 17 when we went to our first FACES in 2019, and they loved meeting people around the same age as them—dealing with the same issues and learning from them. I met people I had only interacted with online and learned so much from everyone. I built friendships that have lasted at least through the pandemic and perhaps a lifetime.
I will answer some of the questions I have received and explain why I genuinely love FACES. Let me start by telling you one of my favorite parts is this event is truly a family-friendly event, but you don’t have to go as a family. I meant by that is that FACES has three paths for attendees: adults, teens, and Children. So if you are a newly diagnosed adult, come on in; you won’t feel out of place or bored listening to things that don’t pertain to your exact situation. You can meet up with adults facing the same issues and have allergy friends for life.
I will answer some common questions I have had about FACES and me.
Q: Are you going to be doing a cooking demo at FACES?
A: No, I am not. Maybe next year. I am attending so I might see you there!
Q: Would it be weird if I talked to you? Can I ask you food questions?
A: No, it won’t be weird at all. I would love to meet everyone in person, and you are welcome to introduce yourself. Food yes, ask me all the food questions you want!
Q: Do you recommend going to FACES for everyone, even celiac disease?
A: Yes, everyone that has any involvement in their life with Food Allergies, Food Intolerances, EOE, Celiac Disease, or Asthma should attend this event.
Q: Do you like the event space?
A: This year, it is at a new event space, so I do not have an answer for that yet.
Q: Did you meet or find any new products you are still using now at FACES?
A: Yes, Hungry Harry’s, check them out!
Q: Did you learn anything new at FACES?
A: Yes, I did learn a few new things. Dr. Gupta and her team present so much information about so many recent studies that you can’t help but learn something new and valuable. Knowledge is power. Check out the agenda, and innovative showcase
Q: Who is going to be speaking at FACES?
A: Check out this link to Speakers.
Q: Is there any discounts on attending FACES?
A: They have an early bird special till April 30th so hurry to get it!
Q: I have other questions not asked?
A: Then ask the experts at the FACES website.
I can’t wait to take my trip to Chicago in just a little over a month in a half! I am excited to meet new people and new presenters and see familiar faces again from the CFFAR team. In real life, just like in 2019
I hope this blog post helps answer questions about FACES. If you are going, please comment or send me a message. We hope this blog helps to tame your Allergy Dragon.